Chairman Message

Chairman Message

The idea of Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) emerged out of the need to have a platform for Christian businessmen so that they may benefit from networking and achieving a higher rate of growth. Various government schemes / concessions extent which have eluded the knowledge and grasp of entrepreneurs. CCCI seeks to be a catalyst for availing these benefits. CCCI strive to be a centre for successful, ethical and principled business promotions. Our motto UNIFIED GROWTH FOR EXCELLENCE gives an insight into what we are about. Looking back at the 2 years since the successful launching of CCCI, it needs to be said that the aims and objects of Chamber have been met to a limited extent and much more is definitely possible and achievable. We already have __ corporate members, __ core members, __ life members and __ annual members. This is despite the fact that there has been no structured drive for membership. In the future, we shall be striving for increasing the corporate, core, and life members, as such members would have a permanent and lasting stake in the activities of CCCI and consequently, view business opportunities with long term goal perspectives. In a growing economy such as India’s, business is playing a pivotal role in the life and future of the people. Unless Christians join in the search for a better economic future, the community will remain far behind and stunted in all respects. We need to open our eyes to this reality and come together to break new barriers, and venture into different fields of business activity in addition to education and charity projects. I hope that this News letter / magazine will be able to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship in Christians in varied fields. May God bless us all and enable our chamber to grow on Christian principles and thankful heart, sharing and encouraging us to give to the Lord with grateful heart, form the abundance that he provide us

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